Tala Khosroheidari, Senior Director of Global Scientific Engagement, SomaLogic, USA

Tala Khosroheidari, PhD, is the Global Head of Scientific Engagement at SomaLogic (part of Standard BioTools).  Tala has a deep understanding of high-plex proteomics applications, across multiple platforms and today supports our customers using the SomaScan Assay with a global team of Field Application Support scientists, Technical Support Scientists, and Support Bioinformaticians.  

The SomaScan Assay brings sensitivity, specificity, reproducibility, and scale to biomarker discovery, drug development, clinical care, disease profiling and population genomics, and is the only proteomic technology capable of high multiplex (measuring over 10,000 proteins), 10 log dynamic range, and reproducibility (median cv 5%) all from a single 55ul sample. 

Tala will speak about how addition of SomaScan high-plex data to complement multi-omic studies leads to deep insights that have not previously been possible.