A/Professor Martin Smith

Director, Ramaciotti Centre for Genomics

Martin Smith is a computational biologist with a diverse background in genomics. He currently leads the Ramaciotti Centre for Genomics, Australia’s largest University-based genomics service provider. A/Prof Smith previously worked at CHU Sainte-Justine, Canada’s largest mother-child hospital and the provincial hub for clinical genomics since 2019, and established the Genomic Technologies Group at the Garvan Institute of Medical Research in 2017, founding nanopore sequencing services at both institutions. Martin completed his PhD at the University of Queensland in 2012 and an MSc at the University of Montreal in 2008. A unifying theme of his research has been resolving indications of regulatory function in non-protein coding regions of eukaryotic genomes. He applies his expertise in nanopore sequencing, bioinformatics and molecular biology to projects related to RNA biology and clinical genomics, seeking to integrate these capabilities into fundamental and translational solutions for genomics.