James R. Mansfield

Senior Vice President of Research Business Development at Visiopharm A/S

James R. Mansfield is a scientist with over 30 years of experience, the last 15 of which have been in multiplex pathology and the in situ phenotyping of immune cells. He is currently the Senior Vice President of Research Business Development at Visiopharm A/S, where he is working on their strategy for multiplex pathology image analysis. He has held roles at Magnetic Insight, as Scientific Director for their magnetic particle imaging (MPI) technology, at Andor Technology, doing business development for their OEM scientific camera sales, and as Global Head of Imaging, Quantitative Pathology Solutions, at PerkinElmer where was a senior application scientist for their Quantitative Pathology products, which are now sold by Akoya Biosciences. Before PerkinElmer he worked at Cambridge Research & Instrumentation, where he was product manager for their multispectral imaging systems and pathology analysis software. He is an associate editor of the American Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging, holds 7 patents, has over 50 publications, and has served as an invited speaker, session chair, and organizer at a variety of international conferences.