Dr Dharmesh Bhuva

Senior Postdoctoral Research Fellow, South Australian Immunogenomics Cancer Institute (SAiGENCI), The University of Adelaide

Dr Dharmesh D Bhuva is an early-career computational systems biologist who is passionate about understanding how complex systems of gene regulation and signalling lead to diverse molecular phenotypes in healthy and diseased tissues. He completed his PhD in 2020 at the University of Melbourne and WEHI where he developed new systems biology approaches to study molecular function and gene regulation in cancer. He then undertook his post-doctoral studies at the world-renowned WEHI Bioinformatics division, where he embarked on developing novel approaches to study cancer tissues using spatial molecular data. In 2023, he joined the computational systems oncology division at the South Australian Immunogenomics Cancer Institute (SAiGENCI) to continue his cutting-edge research in developing computational approaches to study tissue architecture. Dr. Bhuva has recently been awarded a MRFF grant and a NHMRC investigator grant (EL1) to identify spatial biomarkers in cancer systems.