Dr Amelia Parker

Senior Postdoctoral Fellow, Garvan Institute of Medical Research, Australia

Amelia completed her Bachelor of Biomedical Engineering and Advanced Science (Biochemistry) degree at the University of Sydney before undertaking her PhD (Children’s Cancer Institute and University of New South Wales) investigating the role of microtubule proteins in lung cancer aggressiveness and chemotherapy resistance.  Amelia furthered her interest in translational lung cancer research during her postdoctoral training at the Laboratory of Human Carcinogenesis, National Cancer Institute, USA under the mentorship of Dr Curtis Harris, focussing on metabolomic biomarkers and harnessing multi-omics data to uncover mechanisms of lung cancer progression. 

 Currently at the Garvan Institute of Medical Research in Sydney, Amelia is leading the interdisciplinary lung cancer program within the Matrix and Metastasis Lab led by A/Prof Thomas Cox. Her research integrates multi-omic analysis of human tumours with in vitro and in vivo functional studies to further our understanding of the role of the extracellular matrix in lung cancer development and aggressiveness. This work is revealing novel stromal-targeting strategies to enhance treatment efficacy in a precision medicine approach. Her research has been supported with funding from Cancer Institute NSW, Lung Foundation Australia, Cancer Australia and Cancer Council NSW.